Easily one of the forefront airport authorities embracing and benefiting from innovation, the Syracuse Regional Airport Authority has not only incorporated the Next generation of aviation recently, but also held a long history of daily operations with all kinds of manned and uncrewed aircraft.
Like many other things in the legacy of aviation, NUAIR’s success comes from a system of systems. A team of industry-leading products and solutions in their own right, the NUAIR Alliance comes together to enable the NUAIR Center of Excellence – headquarters of Advanced Air Mobility in Central New York and influencing the Next generation of aviation around the globe. Not only hosting the Center of Excellence in their state-of-the-art airport, the Syracuse Regional Airport Authority (SRAA) is leading the way with innovation boasting fully integrated operations with commercial and private aircraft, military aircraft, and uncrewed aerial systems. In this blog, we’ve invited the team to introduce themselves…
Can you explain what SRAA does as if we knew nothing about it or the aviation market?
The Syracuse Regional Airport Authority (SRAA) is the airport sponsor – or operator – of Syracuse Hancock International Airport (SYR). As such, the SRAA serves Upstate New York and beyond, providing a safe, convenient, seamless passenger experience while enhancing economic opportunity, development, and growth in the region.
What is the history of SRAA and how did the organization get started in this space?
The SRAA was established by enabling legislation in 2011. In 2014, the official Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) operating certificate was transferred from the City of Syracuse to the SRAA, making the SRAA the official airport sponsor of SYR.
What are three ways that SRAA changes the landscape of our industry?
First commercial service airport in the nation to have unescorted Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPAs) integrated into normal commercial aircraft operations (MQ9 Reapers from the 174th). It is now commonplace for commercial pilots to taxi and hold as an MQ-9 Reaper prepares for takeoff just ahead of them!
One of the first airports in the nation to include Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS), RPAs, and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) concerns in its FAA-mandated Airport Master Plan. This 20-year vision of how an airport needs to develop to meet the forecasted demand of the region includes development alternatives to accommodate AAM needs.
Hosted the Department of Transportation’s AAM Interagency Working Group in October 2023 to foster coordination and collaboration to safely, securely, and efficiently introduce rapidly evolving AAM technology into the commercial service airport environment.
What makes SRAA different from other airport authorities in the market?
The SRAA thinks differently about airport management, leaning into new technologies and processes to better serve the traveling public of Upstate New York and beyond. Our region is primed for growth and the SRAA remains committed to operating and developing SYR to meet the demands of this prosperous future!
What is the biggest takeaway you want people reading this to know about SRAA?
Our Vision is to be recognized as a best-in-class airport elevating the customer experience and exceeding stakeholder expectations, while using innovative technology and optimizing the economic prosperity of the region we serve.
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